UPTOWN by Café Sausalito

Creating a new space in Sham Shui Po for coffee enthusiasts to connect, Brewers Bay is for people who want to improve their understanding of coffee through collaborative brewing, learning and sharing.

The Brewers Bay experience is about demystifying the art of coffee and creating a genuine sharing space that invites people to discover and experiment. Through hands-on coffee equipment access, such as a variety of drippers and grinders, and unlimited Single Origin tasting, brewers from all backgrounds can get inspired with new ideas and techniques to apply to their brews.

Café Sausalito is passionate about spreading the love of specialty coffee, from bean to cup, and expanding not only Sham Shui Po’s coffee experience offering but also Hong Kong’s coffee culture with Brewers Bay. We are about breaking down barriers between barista and customer and opening up the conversation for the genuine exchange of information and ideas. We believe in connecting the community through coffee and creating opportunities for our community to grow together.


Brewers Bay致力揭開咖啡的神秘面紗,且有良好的經驗,亦旨在創造一個真正的咖啡空間,讓大家去發掘和多作嘗試。通過接觸琳瑯滿目的咖啡設備,例如各種濾杯和磨豆工具,以及品嚐多種單品咖啡,即使手沖愛好者有不同背景,都可以從中獲得新靈感和技術,並應用於日常沖煮中。

Café Sausalito熱衷於傳揚對精品咖啡的熱愛,由咖啡生豆到杯中,不單在深水埗提供精品咖啡的體驗,更希望利用Brewers Bay去推廣香港咖啡文化。我們嘗試打破咖啡師與顧客之間的距離,並開啟兩者間的交流,令大家可以真誠交換資訊和想法。我們相信透過咖啡連接社區,社區亦會與我們共同成長。


BREWING is a combination of equipment and technique used to infuse ground coffee with water. Experience how different methods can affect the flavors and textures of each infusion and find out which brew method you prefer most.


CUPPING is a worldwide practice for evaluating roasted coffee. Come on a journey with us to experience the fragrance, aroma, break, brightness, mouth-feel and flavor of each bean, and develop your palette for the complexity to be found within a great cup of coffee.

全球的咖啡業者會以杯測來評價烘培後的咖啡豆。杯測首先鼻聞咖啡豆的乾香(fragrance)及濕香 (aroma),經破渣(break)後,再品嚐咖啡豆的甜酸度(brightness),口感(mouth-feel)和風味(flavor),透過杯測,可以提升大家品嚐咖啡的能力。我們的杯測工作坊為不同程度的咖啡愛好者而設,現誠邀熱愛咖啡的你一同在杯測工作坊中體驗變化萬千的咖啡。

LATTE ART will teach you how to steam a perfectly textured jug of silky milk and pour a beautifully patterned coffee. Learn how to steam and pour and understand the difference between a flat white, latte and cappuccino while practicing latte art techniques and tricks with our baristas.

ROASTING is a complex science experiment. Thousands of chemicals react with each other inside the coffee green beans, and the decisions made at each second of the roasting process can affect the flavor and aroma of the brewed coffee. Are you ready to explore the mysteries of coffee roasting? Come and roast with us!


All our sessions are designed for coffee-lovers from all levels.